Tuesday, April 14, 2009

End of a turn. To the Next Chapter

The end of my stint in my dept has come...sooner than I expected as I thought it'll be on the 15th. Tomorrow, just for a day, it'll be back to the "nest" for 2 weeks before flying off to do research.

I mentioned "just for a day". I'll be flying overseas on the 16th for the first time ever on a plane! Yippee-do and bound for HK! I'm gonna be so lost with all the cantonese since I'm a Hokkien speaker mostly. Well, its a former British colony, wouldn't hurt for them to converse in English, wouldn't it?

Though, sure kena katok one when buying stuff. cis.

Gotta start packing tonight... so excited already, even at work. Don't even think of dieting or being frugal. Spend spend spend! Eat eat Eat! ...

... and be Pippin.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter on Rails


Now that Easter's just round the corner, fancy spending the holidays on rail? Attend Mass and fulfill all the religious obligations that you're suppose to attend to and then hop on a train for the rest of the day, enjoying the breeze...and the smoke if you will.

Ok, I have to admit this post is more of nonsensical ramblings of mine than anything else, but hey, this is my site, so I can do whatever I want right? hehe....

Would definitely love to hop on one of those minis that puff away with over sized buffaloes sitting on the carriages trailing back there....absolutely silly but fun. If they only had those in Malaysia... Anyway, Happy Easter and don't forget to stop eating yeah...we're not hobbits you know